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Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome


Distribution of Biomes


The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is one of the most biologically diverse and complex ecosystems on Earth. This biome is typically found in regions near the equator, where rainfall is abundant and temperatures are consistently warm. The tropical rainforest biome is also known for its dense and diverse vegetation, which includes a vast array of tree species, shrubs, vines, and epiphytes.

The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is characterized by high rainfall and high humidity, which creates a constant supply of water for plant growth. The rainfall in these regions is typically in the range of 250 to 450 cm per year, and the humidity levels can be as high as 100%. The consistent warm temperatures in this biome create an environment where plants can grow year-round.

Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome

  • Optimum biome
  • 10° N and 10° S latitudes
  • Amazon Basin (South America), Congo Basin (Africa) and Indo-Malaysian Region (mainly in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia and Guinea).

The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is a type of biome that is found in regions near the equator and is characterized by high rainfall, high humidity, and consistently warm temperatures. This biome is also known as the “tropical rainforest” and is home to a vast array of plant and animal species.

The vegetation in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is dense and diverse, with trees that can reach heights of over 100 feet. The canopy of the rainforest is so thick that it blocks most of the sunlight from reaching the forest floor, leading to a competition among plants for sunlight. The trees in the rainforest have broad leaves, which allow them to capture as much sunlight as possible.

The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is home to a wide variety of animal species, including primates, big cats, birds, and reptiles. Insects and other invertebrates are also abundant, and play important roles in pollination and decomposition.

The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is threatened by deforestation, which is the clearing of large areas of forest for agriculture, mining, and logging. Deforestation has led to the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and changes in the global climate. Conservation efforts, such as protected areas and sustainable forestry practices, are necessary to preserve this unique and important biome.

The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is home to a vast array of animal species, including many species that are found nowhere else on Earth. Primates, big cats, birds, and reptiles are among the many animal species that call this biome home. Insects and other invertebrates are also abundant in the rainforest, and play important roles in pollination and decomposition.

Unfortunately, the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is under threat from human activities such as deforestation, which is the clearing of large areas of forest for agriculture, mining, and logging. Deforestation has led to the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and changes in the global climate. It is essential that conservation efforts are undertaken to preserve this unique and important biome for future generations.


The tropical evergreen rainforest biome has a unique climate characterized by high rainfall and high humidity, as well as consistently warm temperatures throughout the year. This biome is typically found in regions near the equator, where the sun’s rays are most intense, and the climate is influenced by the convergence of trade winds.

The rainfall in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is abundant, typically ranging from 250 to 450 cm per year. The rain falls throughout the year, with no distinct dry season, and is often accompanied by thunderstorms. The high levels of rainfall create a constant supply of water for plant growth, which is essential for the survival of the dense and diverse vegetation found in this biome.

The humidity levels in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome are also high, typically around 100%. This creates a hot and humid environment that is ideal for plant growth, but can be challenging for humans and animals to adapt to. The consistently warm temperatures in this biome range from 25 to 27 degrees Celsius (77 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, and only drop slightly at night.

The climate of the tropical evergreen rainforest biome has a significant impact on the plants and animals that live in this ecosystem. The dense and diverse vegetation found in this biome is highly adapted to the high levels of rainfall, humidity, and warmth, and the constant supply of water and nutrients that these conditions provide. Similarly, the animal species found in this biome have evolved to thrive in this hot and humid environment, and are well-adapted to the abundant plant and insect life that is found in the rainforest.

  • Average rainfall more than 2000mm
  • Generally every month receives rainfall of at least 200mm.
  • The aridity during a few months certainly increases with increasing distance from the equator.
  • High temperature throughout the year.
  • Mean annual temperature is around 20°C but the highest temperature of the year touches 30°C.
  • The sun is overhead throughout the year.
  • lengths of day and night throughout the year is same.
  • Most of the rainfall is received through convectional mechanism, which yields heavy downpour through cumulonimbus clouds daily normally between 2p.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Upper canopy receives more sun light than ground
  • Wind speed decreased downward
  • Moisture is high at bottom because evaporation rate decreased downward

Here is a table summarizing the climate characteristics of the Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome:

Climate Characteristics Description
Temperature Range68°F to 93°F (20°C to 34°C)
PrecipitationMore than 78 inches (2000 mm) annually
Humidity LevelsHigh
FogThick fog often present
SeasonsLittle variation throughout the year
Vegetation TypeTall, broad-leaved evergreen trees
Understory VegetationSmaller trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants
SoilSoft and nutrient-poor

Note that the temperature and precipitation values may vary slightly depending on the specific location and elevation within the biome.


The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is characterized by high levels of rainfall throughout the year. In fact, it is one of the wettest biomes on Earth, receiving an average of 80 to 400 inches of rainfall annually.

The high rainfall in the rainforest is due to its location near the equator, where warm, moist air rises and cools, causing it to release its moisture as rainfall. This process is known as convectional rainfall.

In addition to convectional rainfall, the rainforest also receives significant amounts of rainfall from the interception of water by the leaves and branches of the trees. This intercepted water is then released back into the atmosphere through a process known as transpiration, which helps to maintain high levels of humidity in the rainforest.

The high levels of rainfall in the rainforest create a highly productive ecosystem that supports a diverse range of plant and animal life. However, it also creates a challenging environment for human settlements, as the constant rainfall can make agriculture and infrastructure development difficult.

Despite these challenges, many indigenous communities have lived in the rainforest for thousands of years and have developed unique strategies for living in this highly productive, but challenging environment. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in sustainable development and conservation efforts in the rainforest, aimed at preserving its unique biodiversity while supporting the needs of local communities.

Here is a table summarizing the rainfall characteristics of the Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome:

Rainfall Characteristics Description
Annual PrecipitationMore than 78 inches (2000 mm)
Rainy SeasonContinuous rainfall throughout the year
Dry SeasonMinimal or no dry season
IntensityHigh intensity rainfall
VariabilityHigh inter-annual rainfall variability
Seasonal DistributionLittle seasonal variation in rainfall distribution

Again, note that rainfall characteristics may vary depending on the specific location within the biome.


The soil in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is generally nutrient-poor due to the rapid cycling of nutrients in the ecosystem. The hot and humid climate, combined with the abundance of rainfall, leads to rapid decomposition of organic matter, which can result in the loss of nutrients from the soil.

However, despite the nutrient-poor nature of the soil, the vegetation in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is incredibly diverse and productive. This is because the plants in the rainforest have evolved to adapt to the nutrient-poor soil by developing specialized root systems that can access the limited nutrients in the soil.

One adaptation that many rainforest plants have is the development of shallow roots that spread out over a wide area. This allows the plants to absorb nutrients from a large area of soil. Another adaptation is the development of buttress roots, which are large, above-ground roots that help to anchor the trees in the soft, nutrient-poor soil.

In addition to the specialized root systems of the plants, the nutrient cycling in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is also driven by a variety of other factors. For example, the abundant rainfall and warm temperatures create a favorable environment for decomposers such as fungi and bacteria, which play an important role in breaking down organic matter and releasing nutrients into the soil.

  • Oxisols, infertile, deeply weathered and severely leached, have developed on the ancient Gondwanan shields.
  • Rapid bacterial decay prevents the accumulation of humus.
  • The concentration of iron and aluminum oxides by the laterization pro cess gives the oxisols a bright red colour and sometimes produces minable deposits (e.g., bauxite).

Here is a table summarizing the soil characteristics of the Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome:

Soil Characteristics Description
Nutrient ContentLow
TextureSoft and porous
Organic MatterHigh organic matter content
pHAcidic (around 4.5-5.5)
Nutrient CyclingRapid nutrient cycling due to high decomposition rates
Nutrient LeachingHigh rates of nutrient leaching

Note that soil characteristics can vary depending on the specific location within the biome and the type of soil present. The above characteristics are typical of the nutrient-poor, acidic soils found in many tropical rainforests.


The vegetation in the tropical evergreen rainforest biome is incredibly diverse and complex, and is one of the defining features of this ecosystem. The dense canopy of trees in the rainforest creates a unique environment where a wide range of plant species can thrive.

The most prominent feature of the rainforest is the tall trees that form the canopy. These trees can grow to heights of over 100 feet and have broad leaves that allow them to capture as much sunlight as possible. The canopy of the rainforest is so thick that it blocks most of the sunlight from reaching the forest floor, creating a highly competitive environment for plants to grow.

Underneath the canopy, there are several layers of vegetation, including the understory, the shrub layer, and the forest floor. The understory consists of smaller trees and shrubs that grow in the shade of the canopy. These plants are adapted to low light levels and have leaves that are designed to capture as much sunlight as possible.

The shrub layer is composed of small shrubs and bushes that grow in the gaps between the larger trees. These plants are adapted to the dappled sunlight that filters through the canopy and often have thick, waxy leaves to prevent water loss.

The forest floor is the lowest layer of the rainforest and is home to a wide range of plant species, including ferns, herbs, and other ground cover plants. These plants are adapted to low light levels and often have large leaves that are designed to capture as much sunlight as possible.

The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is home to an incredible array of plant species, including many species that are found nowhere else on Earth. Some of the most iconic plant species in the rainforest include orchids, bromeliads, and epiphytes, which are plants that grow on other plants rather than in soil.

  • Largest number of plant species
  • 70 percent are trees
  • Height between 30 to 60 m
  • High competition in plants for getting sunlight
  • Canopies are like umbrella
  • Creepers and climbers are second important
  • Lianas and epiphytes
  • Broad leaves
  • Thick canopies

Here is a table summarizing the vegetation characteristics of the Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome:

Vegetation Characteristics Description
Dominant Tree SpeciesTall, broad-leaved evergreen trees
Tree HeightUp to 200 feet or more
Understory VegetationSmaller trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants
Canopy CoverDense
Leaf SizeLarge
Leaf TypeBroad-leaved evergreen
Photosynthetic PathwayC3
Plant AdaptationsButtresses, shallow roots, epiphytes, lianas

Note that there can be some variation in the dominant tree species and other vegetation characteristics depending on the specific location within the biome. Additionally, other types of vegetation may be present in certain areas of the rainforest, such as palm trees, bamboo, or ferns.


The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is home to a vast array of animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. The warm and humid climate of the rainforest creates a highly productive ecosystem that supports a wide range of animal life.

One of the most iconic animals in the rainforest is the primate, including species such as chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas. These intelligent and highly social animals are adapted to life in the trees and are often found in the canopy of the rainforest.

Another group of animals that is well-adapted to life in the rainforest is birds. The rainforest is home to a stunning array of bird species, including colorful parrots, toucans, and birds of paradise. Many bird species in the rainforest have evolved specialized beaks and other adaptations that allow them to feed on the wide variety of fruits, nuts, and seeds found in the rainforest.

The rainforest is also home to a wide range of reptiles and amphibians, including snakes, lizards, and frogs. Many of these animals are adapted to life in the trees and have developed remarkable abilities to climb, jump, and glide between branches.

The rainforest is also home to a diverse array of insects, including butterflies, moths, ants, and beetles. Insects play a crucial role in the ecosystem, serving as pollinators, decomposers, and a source of food for many other animals.

Mammals such as jaguars, ocelots, and tapirs are also found in the tropical evergreen rainforest. These animals are well-adapted to the dense vegetation and complex terrain of the rainforest and play important roles in the ecosystem as predators and seed dispersers.

  • Least migrants animals
  • 24 hours animals activities
  • Animal life is highly diverse. Common characteristics found among mammals and birds (and reptiles and amphibians, too) include adaptations to an arboreal life.
  • bright colours and sharp patterns, loud vocalizations, and diets heavy on fruits.
  • Camouflage is common
  • Mammals have generally larger and sturdy bodies
  • Such animals include chimpanzee, gorilla, bison, African elephant, ocapi, leopard, numerous genera of pigs etc.
  • Some ground animals are very small in size but are very much mobile and clever so that they can pass through dense vegetation.
  • The third category of ground animals includes hidden small organisms belonging to the group of CRYPTOZOIC ANIMALS. Such organisms live beneath stones, logs, dead branches of trees, parts of trees, litters of leaves etc.
Silvery Gibbon
Slender Loris
Scarlet Macaw
Wagler’s pit viper

Here is a table summarizing the animal characteristics of the Tropical Evergreen Rainforest Biome:

Animal Characteristics Description
DiversityExtremely high, estimated to be over half of the world’s species
Iconic SpeciesPrimates, big cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects
MammalsLarge number of mammal species, including primates, big cats, ungulates, rodents, and bats
BirdsLarge number of bird species, including parrots, toucans, and birds of prey
Reptiles and AmphibiansLarge number of reptile and amphibian species, including snakes, lizards, frogs, and toads
InsectsExtremely diverse, including butterflies, beetles, ants, termites, and many others
ThreatsHabitat loss, climate change, hunting, and poaching

Note that the animal characteristics can vary depending on the specific location within the biome and the degree of human impact on the ecosystem. The above characteristics are typical of relatively undisturbed areas of the rainforest.


The tropical evergreen rainforest biome is one of the most diverse and complex ecosystems on Earth, characterized by high levels of rainfall, warm temperatures, and dense vegetation. This biome is home to an incredible array of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth.

The vegetation in the rainforest is incredibly diverse, with a dense canopy of tall trees creating a unique environment where a wide range of plant species can thrive. The animal life in the rainforest is equally diverse, with a vast array of species adapted to the warm, humid, and highly productive environment of this unique ecosystem.

Despite the challenges posed by the constant rainfall and dense vegetation, many indigenous communities have lived in the rainforest for thousands of years and have developed unique strategies for living in this highly productive, but challenging environment. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in sustainable development and conservation efforts in the rainforest, aimed at preserving its unique biodiversity while supporting the needs of local communities.

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