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Query Language in DBMS



SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language used for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. It is used to perform a wide range of database operations, including creating tables, inserting and retrieving data, updating and deleting records, and querying the database.

SQL query language consists of a set of commands and syntax that are used to interact with the database. Some of the common SQL commands used in query language include:

  • SELECT: Used to retrieve data from the database. It specifies the columns and rows to be retrieved and can be used to filter and sort data based on specific conditions.
  • INSERT: Used to insert new data into the database. It specifies the values to be inserted into the columns of the table.
  • UPDATE: Used to modify existing data in the database. It specifies the new values to be assigned to the columns and the conditions for updating the data.
  • DELETE: Used to delete data from the database. It specifies the conditions for deleting the data.
  • CREATE: Used to create tables, views, and other database objects.
  • ALTER: Used to modify the structure of the database, including adding or modifying columns in a table, changing the data type of a column, or renaming a table.
  • DROP: Used to delete tables, views, and other database objects.

SQL query language also supports various data types, including numeric, string, date and time, and binary data types. It also supports a range of functions and operators that can be used in SQL queries, including mathematical functions, string functions, and aggregate functions.

In conclusion, SQL is an essential tool for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. It provides a standard and flexible language for querying and analyzing data, and is widely used by database administrators, data analysts, and developers.

Data Definition

Data Definition in Query Language refers to the process of defining and creating data structures such as tables, fields, and indexes in a database using a query language such as SQL (Structured Query Language). It involves specifying the data types, constraints, and relationships between tables and fields.

SQL provides a set of commands for defining and manipulating data structures, including:

  • CREATE TABLE: This command is used to create a new table in the database. It defines the table name, the fields, and their data types.
  • ALTER TABLE: This command is used to modify an existing table by adding or deleting fields, changing data types, or modifying constraints.
  • DROP TABLE: This command is used to delete a table from the database.
  • CREATE INDEX: This command is used to create an index on one or more fields in a table to improve the performance of queries.
  • PRIMARY KEY: This constraint is used to define the unique identifier for each record in a table. It ensures that no two records have the same primary key value.
  • FOREIGN KEY: This constraint is used to define the relationship between two tables by specifying a field in one table that refers to the primary key of another table.
  • NOT NULL: This constraint is used to enforce that a field cannot be empty or have a null value.

Data Definition in Query Language is a critical component of database design and management. It provides a standardized and consistent way to define and manipulate data structures, which is essential for maintaining data integrity, consistency, and accuracy.

Data Manipulation

Data manipulation in a query language refers to the process of changing, transforming, and updating data in a database using SQL (Structured Query Language) commands. Some common data manipulation operations include:

  1. Insertion: Adding new records to a table.
  2. Deletion: Removing existing records from a table.
  3. Updating: Modifying the values of existing records in a table.
  4. Selecting: Retrieving specific records from a table.
  5. Joining: Combining data from two or more tables based on a common field.
  6. Grouping: Aggregating data based on specific columns or groups.
  7. Sorting: Arranging data in a specific order.
  8. Filtering: Retrieving data based on specific criteria.


  • To insert data into a table named “employees,” the SQL command would be:
INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, name, department, salary) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 'Marketing', 55000);
  • To delete data from the “employees” table, the SQL command would be:
DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 1;
  • To update data in the “employees” table, the SQL command would be:
UPDATE employees SET salary = 60000 WHERE employee_id = 1;
  • To retrieve data from the “employees” table, the SQL command would be:
SELECT * FROM employees;

These are just a few examples of data manipulation operations that can be performed in a query language. It’s important to note that these operations should be used with caution as they can have a significant impact on the data stored in a database.

Basic Structure of SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language used for managing and manipulating data in a relational database. The basic structure of an SQL query is as follows:

SELECT column_name(s)

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;

  1. SELECT: This keyword is used to specify the columns that should be returned in the result set. For example, to select all columns in a table, use “SELECT *”.
  2. FROM: This keyword is used to specify the name of the table from which the data should be retrieved.
  3. WHERE: This keyword is used to specify the conditions that must be met in order for a record to be included in the result set. The conditions are specified using logical operators such as “=”, “<“, “>”, “LIKE”, etc.


SELECT name, address, phone_number

FROM customers

WHERE city = ‘Toronto’;

In this example, the query returns the name, address, and phone number of all customers in the “customers” table who live in the city of Toronto.

SQL queries can also include other clauses such as “GROUP BY”, “HAVING”, “ORDER BY”, and “LIMIT” to further specify how the data should be retrieved and displayed.

Note: SQL syntax can vary between different database management systems, but the basic structure and concepts remain the same.

Set Operation

Set operations are operations that are used to combine and manipulate sets of data in a query language. These operations allow for the manipulation of data in a database to obtain specific results. The following are some common set operations in query languages:

  1. Union: The union operation combines two or more sets of data and returns the unique values from both sets. For example, if you have two tables with customer data and you want to combine the data into one table, you would use the union operation to combine the two tables.
  2. Intersection: The intersection operation returns only the values that are common to both sets. For example, if you have two tables with customer data and you want to find the customers who are common to both tables, you would use the intersection operation.
  3. Difference: The difference operation returns the values that are unique to one set but not the other. For example, if you have two tables with customer data and you want to find the customers who are unique to one table and not the other, you would use the difference operation.
  4. Cartesian Product: The Cartesian product operation returns all possible combinations of rows from two or more sets of data. For example, if you have two tables with customer data and you want to find all the possible combinations of customers from both tables, you would use the Cartesian product operation.
  5. Cross Join: The cross-join operation returns all possible combinations of rows from two or more sets of data, where each row in the first set is combined with every row in the second set. It is similar to the Cartesian product operation, but it only returns the combinations of rows that meet the conditions specified in the join clause.

These set operations are commonly used in SQL (Structured Query Language) and other query languages to manipulate and analyze data in a database. The specific syntax for each operation will depend on the query language being used, but the underlying concepts remain the same.

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are functions that perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value as the result. They are commonly used in query languages, such as SQL, to summarize and group data based on specific criteria. Some of the most commonly used aggregate functions in query languages are:

  1. SUM: This function returns the sum of all values in a specified column. For example, the query “SELECT SUM(sales) FROM orders” will return the total sales of all orders in the orders table.
  2. AVG: This function returns the average of all values in a specified column. For example, the query “SELECT AVG(price) FROM products” will return the average price of all products in the products table.
  3. COUNT: This function returns the number of rows in a specified column. For example, the query “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers” will return the total number of customers in the customers table.
  4. MAX: This function returns the maximum value in a specified column. For example, the query “SELECT MAX(age) FROM employees” will return the maximum age of all employees in the employees table.
  5. MIN: This function returns the minimum value in a specified column. For example, the query “SELECT MIN(price) FROM products” will return the minimum price of all products in the products table.
  6. GROUP BY: This clause is used to group data based on a specific column. For example, the query “SELECT SUM(sales), year FROM orders GROUP BY year” will return the total sales of all orders grouped by year.
  7. HAVING: This clause is used to filter the results of a query based on aggregate functions. For example, the query “SELECT SUM(sales), year FROM orders GROUP BY year HAVING SUM(sales) > 100000” will return the total sales of all orders grouped by year, but only for years where the total sales are greater than 100,000.

In conclusion, aggregate functions play a crucial role in query languages and are widely used to summarize and group data based on specific criteria. They provide an efficient and effective way to analyze and understand large datasets, and are essential for data analysis and reporting.

Simple Queries

Query language, also known as Structured Query Language (SQL), is a standard programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. Here are some simple SQL queries that can be used in a database management system:

  • Select all data from a table:
SELECT * FROM table_name;
  • Select specific columns from a table:
SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table_name;
  • Filter data based on a condition:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column = value;
  • Sort data in ascending or descending order:
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column ASC;
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column DESC;
  • Group data based on a column:
SELECT column1, COUNT(*) FROM table_name GROUP BY column1;
  • Join two tables based on a common column:
SELECT table1.column1, table2.column2 FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;
  • Count the number of rows in a table:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;
  • Average value of a column:
SELECT AVG(column) FROM table_name;

These are some of the basic SQL queries that can be used in a database management system. More complex queries can be created by combining these basic queries and using advanced SQL functions and operators.

Spatial Vs Non-Spatial

Query language is used to extract data from a database. In the case of a spatial database management system (SDBMS), the query language must be able to handle both spatial and non-spatial data.

  • Spatial Query: A spatial query is a type of SQL query used to retrieve spatial data from a database. It allows users to search for specific geographic features or attributes based on their location or proximity to other features. For example, a spatial query can be used to find all the parks within a certain distance from a particular location.
  • Non-Spatial Query: A non-spatial query is a type of SQL query used to retrieve non-spatial data from a database. It does not consider the spatial aspects of the data and focuses on the attributes and relationships between the data. For example, a non-spatial query can be used to find all the parks in a particular city that have a playground.

The difference between spatial and non-spatial queries is that spatial queries are designed to handle the unique requirements of spatial data, such as the location and spatial relationships between geographic features. Non-spatial queries, on the other hand, focus on the attributes and relationships between the data without considering their spatial location. In conclusion, both spatial and non-spatial queries are essential components of a SDBMS, and each serves a different purpose. Spatial queries are used to extract and analyze geographic data based on their location and spatial relationships, while non-spatial queries are used to extract and analyze non-spatial data based on their attributes and relationships.

Nested sub queries

Nested sub-queries in query language are a type of sub-query that are nested within another sub-query. They are used to perform complex operations on data and can be used in combination with other query techniques to create more sophisticated queries.

A nested sub-query is a sub-query that is placed inside another sub-query. The outer sub-query acts as the main query and the inner sub-query acts as a sub-query to the outer query. The inner sub-query is executed first and its results are used as input to the outer query.

Nested sub-queries are useful when you want to perform operations on a subset of data and then use the results of that operation in the main query. For example, you can use a nested sub-query to retrieve a list of customers who have made purchases over a certain amount. The inner sub-query would retrieve the list of customers who have made purchases and the outer sub-query would use that list to retrieve the customer information.

Nested sub-queries can also be used to perform multiple levels of filtering and processing on data. For example, you can use a nested sub-query to retrieve a list of products and then use another nested sub-query to retrieve the average price for each product category.

The syntax for a nested sub-query varies depending on the query language and database system you are using. However, the basic structure of a nested sub-query is as follows:

SELECT columns

FROM table_name

WHERE column_name operator (SELECT column_name

FROM table_name

WHERE condition)

In this example, the outer query retrieves the data from the “table_name” and filters the results based on the condition specified in the inner query. The inner query retrieves the data from the “table_name” and returns the results to the outer query.

In conclusion, nested sub-queries are a powerful tool in query language and can be used to perform complex operations on data. They can help you create more sophisticated queries and make it easier to manipulate and analyze data.

Complex queries

Complex queries are advanced SQL queries used to retrieve and manipulate data from databases. These queries allow for the manipulation of multiple tables and the application of advanced filtering and sorting techniques.

Some of the complex queries in query language include:

  1. Subqueries: A subquery is a query nested within another query, which is used to retrieve data that will be used as input for the outer query. Subqueries can be used to filter data, retrieve data from multiple tables, and perform aggregate functions.
  2. Joins: A join is a query that combines data from two or more tables based on a common column. There are several types of joins, including inner join, left join, right join, and full outer join, which are used to combine data in different ways.
  3. Union: A union query combines the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. The SELECT statements must have the same number of columns and data types.
  4. Group By: A GROUP BY clause is used to group data based on specific columns. It is used to perform aggregate functions, such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, and MAX.
  5. Having: A HAVING clause is used to filter the result set of a query based on aggregate values. It is used to retrieve data based on specific conditions, such as finding the average salary of employees who earn more than $50,000.
  6. Case Statement: A CASE statement is used to evaluate a set of conditions and return a result based on the first condition that is true. It is used to perform conditional logic in SQL queries.
  7. Common Table Expressions (CTEs): A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary result set that can be used within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. CTEs can be used to simplify complex queries by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

In conclusion, complex queries in query language are a powerful tool for retrieving and manipulating data from databases. They allow for the application of advanced filtering, sorting, and aggregate functions, which are essential for data analysis and reporting.


A view in query language refers to a virtual table that is created from a SELECT statement. A view can be thought of as a stored query or a subset of data from one or multiple tables. It provides a convenient way to access data from a database without having to write the entire SELECT statement each time.

The main benefits of using views in query language are:

  1. Abstraction: Views provide abstraction by hiding the complexity of the underlying database structure and allowing the user to interact with the data in a simplified way.
  2. Data Security: Views can be used to restrict access to sensitive data in a database. Only the columns and rows that are needed can be made available to the user, and access to the underlying data can be restricted.
  3. Data Consistency: Views can be used to ensure data consistency by providing a single, centralized point of access to the data.
  4. Reuse: Views can be used to reuse complex SELECT statements in multiple applications.
  5. Performance: Views can improve the performance of complex queries by providing a pre-defined subset of data, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed.

To create a view in a query language, the CREATE VIEW statement is used. For example, the following SQL statement creates a view called “employee_view” that includes only the first name, last name, and salary columns from the “employee” table:

CREATE VIEW employee_view AS

SELECT first_name, last_name, salary

FROM employee;

Once a view has been created, it can be used in SELECT statements just like a regular table. For example, the following SQL statement retrieves all the data from the “employee_view” view:

SELECT * FROM employee_view;

In conclusion, views are a powerful tool in query language and can be used to simplify database interactions, improve data security, ensure data consistency, and improve performance.


A trigger is a database object that automatically executes a set of predefined actions in response to specific events, such as an insert, update, or delete operation on a particular table. Triggers are used to enforce business rules and constraints, maintain data integrity, and perform other actions that are required when data is modified in a database.

Triggers are typically written in the Structured Query Language (SQL) and are executed in response to changes made to the data in the database. For example, a trigger may be used to validate data before it is inserted into a table or to automatically update a related table when data is changed in another table.

In SQL, a trigger is created using the “CREATE TRIGGER” statement. The trigger is defined to execute a set of SQL statements when a specific event occurs on a specific table. The syntax for creating a trigger is as follows:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON table_name
  --SQL statements to be executed

In the above example, the trigger is named “trigger_name” and is defined to execute the SQL statements inside the BEGIN and END blocks after a new row is inserted into the “table_name” table.

Triggers can also be used to perform complex tasks, such as inserting data into multiple tables, performing calculations, or updating data based on conditions or calculations. They are a powerful tool for automating database operations and maintaining data integrity, and are widely used in a variety of database applications.

Example spatial SQL queries

Here are some examples of spatial SQL queries in Structured Query Language (SQL) that can be used in a spatial database management system (SDBMS):

  • Spatial Query to Select Points within a Polygon:
SELECT * FROM points_table WHERE ST_Within(points_table.geom, polygon_table.geom);

This query selects all the points from the points_table that are within a specified polygon in the polygon_table.

  • Spatial Query to Find Points within a Certain Distance from a Line:
SELECT * FROM points_table WHERE ST_DWithin(points_table.geom, line_table.geom, 500);

This query selects all the points from the points_table that are within 500 meters from a specified line in the line_table.

  • Spatial Query to Find Intersecting Features:
SELECT * FROM polygon_table, line_table WHERE ST_Intersects(polygon_table.geom, line_table.geom);

This query selects all the polygons features from the polygon_table and line features from the line_table that intersect each other.

  • Spatial Query to Find Distance between Two Points:
SELECT ST_Distance(point1.geom, point2.geom) AS distance FROM point1, point2;

This query calculates the distance between two points in the point1 and point2 tables.

  • Spatial Query to Find the Centroid of a Polygon:
SELECT ST_Centroid(polygon_table.geom) AS centroid FROM polygon_table;

This query calculates the centroid of the polygon features in the polygon_table.

These are just a few examples of spatial SQL queries that can be used in a SDBMS. The specific syntax and function names may vary depending on the SDBMS used.

Object relational SQL

Object-Relational SQL (Structured Query Language) is a type of SQL that allows users to access and manipulate data stored in relational databases, as well as data stored in object-oriented databases. It is used to manage and query data that is organized into tables and rows, as well as data that is organized into objects and attributes.

Some of the features of Object-Relational SQL include:

  • Object Types: Object-Relational SQL supports object types, which are user-defined data types that represent complex data structures. Object types can contain attributes, methods, and collections, and they can be used to define objects such as employees, customers, or products.
  • Inheritance: Object-Relational SQL supports inheritance, which allows objects to inherit attributes and methods from their parent objects. This allows developers to create a hierarchy of objects, where objects at lower levels can inherit properties and behaviour from objects at higher levels.
  • Collections: Object-Relational SQL supports collections, which are objects that contain other objects. Collections can be used to store and manage groups of objects, such as lists of employees or customers.
  • Methods: Object-Relational SQL supports methods, which are functions that can be associated with objects. Methods can be used to perform operations on objects, such as computing salaries or calculating shipping costs.
  • Extensibility: Object-Relational SQL is highly extensible, which means that developers can add new features and functionality to the system by creating new object types, methods, and collections.

Examples of Object-Relational SQL statements include:

  • CREATE OBJECT TYPE: This statement is used to create a new object type.
  • CREATE OBJECT: This statement is used to create a new object.
  • SELECT: This statement is used to retrieve data from the database.
  • UPDATE: This statement is used to modify data in the database.
  • DELETE: This statement is used to remove data from the database.

In conclusion, Object-Relational SQL is an advanced form of SQL that provides support for object-oriented data structures and operations, making it well-suited for managing and querying complex data. By allowing developers to define and manipulate objects and their relationships, Object-Relational SQL provides a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data in relational and object-oriented databases.

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